
Hi there, I’m a Creative Director at BBDO Los Angeles.

I was born in 1985, in Madeira Island, Portugal.

At the age of 6, I wanted to be a professional football player.

I even played with Cristiano Ronaldo, and I almost beat him. Once.

My mom secretively wish I could become a successful doctor or engineer.

I decided to study graphic design instead.

I got my first job at the sports newspaper I grew up reading.

I quit my job at the World’s Best Designed Newspaper.

To join a creative school in Sweden that operates without teachers.

My family and friends thought I was crazy.

At Hyper Island, I learned how to learn how to learn.

A year later, I bought a plane ticket and moved to Colorado.

There I started my advertising career and also met my wonderful wife.

We now have two young kids. A boy and a girl.

In addition to helping brands solve business problems through creative thinking,

I’m also a self-taught photographer.

In 2020, I opened a fine art print shop.

/ Awards

Luis Marques' work gained recognition for the first time in 2011, when newspaper “i” — a daily publication that he helped to found — won World’s Best Design Newspaper by the Society of News Design.

His advertising work was recognized by the most prestigious award shows and presented by publications such as The Guardian, Forbes Magazine, Variety, CBS, Wired, Mashable, Fast Company, PSFK, Gizmodo, Fubiz, GQ, Chicago Tribune, AdAge, Adweek and Contagious Magazine.

Cannes Lions
2 x Bronze
1 x Shortlist

1 x Silver
1 x Bronze


BBDO Los Angeles   
ACD to Creative Director

Leo Burnett
Art Director to Associate Creative Director

TBWA\ Amsterdam 
Designer & Art Director

CP+B Colorado 
Visual Designer

Newspaper “i” Lisboa 
Jr Art Director

Newspaper "A BOLA" Lisboa
Editorial Designer

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